Tagged: Yankees

Deadlines & Other Dates

The MLB trading deadline came and went yesterday with the Yankees not getting exactly what they need, but getting something nonetheless. That much needed pitcher did not materialize but utility man Jerry Hairston, Jr did.

I, too, had a deadline of sorts to meet. Pay up or move out by this coming Monday or be evicted. I didn’t get what I needed. I didn’t get the money I need to pay my back rent. But I got a promise of help, nonetheless, and that was enough for the judge in housing court to nix my lanlord’s deadline. I will be meeting with the landlord’s lawyer in a few weeks to come up with a new payment agreement.

There’s another deadline out there. Well, the word “deadline” isn’t the right word for it. Call this one an “upcoming show.” Brit Morgan, my former online radio co-host, does a show now with a really nice guy named Frank Maniscalco (“Frankie The Sports Guy”).  They do the show Sunday nights on BlogTalkRadio. Frank will be away tomorrow night, so Brit will be going solo. She’s got some great guests coming on, so tune in tomorrow night at 10PM Eastern. Click here for more details.

I wanted to mention Brit because some of you might know that the show we did together ended on a bad note. A bitter rift caused us to go our separate ways. I am happy to report now that we have settled our differences. She is a talented young woman with a good future ahead of her. I wish her the best of luck in all that she does. Knock ’em dead Brit!


Tweet Your Way Through The Game!

I joined Twitter probably about two years ago
when no one knew what it was. I didn’t even know what it was. I only joined because someone whose work I admired and whom I wanted to emulate had joined. Since then the site has grown by leaps and bounds. Now the words “tweet” and “tweeting” have become as much a part of the internet lexicon as the word “email.”

What used to be something only computer geeks did is now becoming part of mainstream new media. I would venture to say that it might be becoming it’s own new medium. So many companies, groups and government organizations have accounts! Even the White House has one!

What I’m most impressed about, however, is seeing how sports fans are coming together through it, doing “in-game tweets.”  And it’s not just fans who are doing it. Beat writers are tweeting from the press box and sportstalk radio hosts are tweeting in-game from their studios. I had so much fun last night during the Yankee game, tweeting with fans and beat writers. When the Yankees lost I didn’t feel as bad as I usually do, I think because I’d been commisserating with Yankee fans for the past few hours.

If you don’t have a Twitter account I think it worth looking into.

 Happy Tweeting! 

Last Week: What A Week It Was!

Do subscribe to the belief that we are never given anything more in life than what we can truly handle? If you do, the last 7 days are proof that I am a very strong person.

Monday: In court, once again fighting a recurring legal problem.

Tuesday: Internet connection was cut off, the same day my MLB.com article was published.

Wednesday: After attending Jane Heller’s book signing, saying a final goodbye to my aunt who had flown in to close up her apartment.

Thursday: A rainy day. Water-logged from my trip to and from the library to use the public computers, and heartbroken over the Nats’ series win over the Yankees.

Friday: Just a general feeling of malaise. Can you blame me?

Saturday: The contractors working on my apartment still hadn’t finished the job, even though the super had promised.

Sunday: While writing this very post, my time on the computer here at the public library ended. I was granted no extensions and was not allowed to make another reservation. (That is why the “week” in this post goes from Monday to Sunday.)

I was so glad to see last week end. But, at the same time, I learned something about myself: that, with God’s help, I’m stronger than I think and I’m growing stronger everyday.

The Great Subway Series Giveaway

From the LATB Radio Show Blog:

The Subway Series returns this Friday when the Yankees host the Mets at the new Yankee Stadium. It continues in two weeks at the new Mets ballpark, Citi Field. These two parks have yet to produce any real memorable moments that fans can turn back to again and again. For now, they will have to be content with the memories they have collected from the old ballparks. Here are two great ways to relive those memories: The New York Yankees Essential Games of Yankee Stadium and The New York Mets Essential Games of Shea Stadium:

Essential Yankees.jpg

This Sunday night, 4 lucky listeners will each win a copy of one of these DVD sets. How? By entering the The Great Subway Series Giveaway. Click the link below for instructions on how to enter:

The Great Subway Series Giveaway

Get your entry in right away and listen to LATB Radio this Sunday night at 10PM Eastern to find out who won The Great Subway Series Giveaway!



Thanks and, GO YANKEES!

Yankees Roll Up Their Sleeves For Alzheimer’s

The mother of Yankees play-by-play announcer Michael Kay died from this disease and the father of Joe Girardi has it. As Mark Teixeira says in the video, within 50 years, one out of every 5 people will either have the disease or will be caring for someone who has it. Kudos to the Yankees for stepping up to the plate for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Lost In (Uh, I Mean, “And”) Toronto

lost11.jpgLast night the season finale of LOST aired while the Yankees were playing Toronto. I’m not a Tivo or DVR person, so I flipped back and forth between the two. Bad idea.

I’ve been watching LOST since its beginning but since this season’s episodes began I’ve been “lost” when it comes to understanding the plot. After last night I’m not sure I’ll ever be found.

Why was Ben so upset about Jacob not paying attention to him? (“What about me?”)  What’s the difference between him and Widmark?

Why were there two groups of people looking for Jacob?

Who is Ilana?

Is the ship Jacob was looking at at the beginning of the episode the same one found shiprecked in the jungle seasons ago?

Why is Horace so annoying? 

Why can’t Hurley get more air time?

Will I ever get the answers to these questions? Something tells me I won’t, just as I’ll never find out why the Yankees Retired Numbers are a recurring theme on the show or why Jack and his father trash the Red Sox from time to time. Actually, I read that a few of the LOST writers are big Yankee fans, so perhaps there are no deep, underlying meanings there. Which leads me back to my other questions: perhaps they have no deep, underlying meanings either, which means viewers of LOST will be forever just that. 

Joba Will Always Love His Mom


Joba's mom.jpg

Joba Chamberlain will start tonight’s game against the Red Sox (weather permitting) and I’m guessing his Mom will be on his mind. You know why. She was arrested recently on suspicion of selling meth to an undercover agent. According to an article, this is what he said when he found out about the arrest:

“You’ve only got one mom, man, and you’ve got to be thankful for her,” he said. “I still love her.”

I don’t know if Joba really believes this or not, but it’s a great thing to say about his mother. Times can be hard on families these days, as I’m finding out personally, and the best thing a person can do when crises occur is just that: be thankful and still love them.

Lousy Weekends & Stylish Game Days

This past weekend was one to forget. The Yankees got swept by the Red Sox and I got swept away by a family emergency. The emergency began Friday night shortly before Mariano Rivera blew his first save of the season and lasted the entire weekend.

I’m hoping things will stabilize this week, just as I’m hoping the Yankees can put the brakes on this losing streak. Please, please, please! Stop the madness. I want my new radio show to go as planned this coming Sunday night.

I’m really looking forward to doing this show. I have two great guests lined up, including Andrea Claster Greenspan, creator of the Tessuta Game Day Purse:


Game Day Purse_Small.jpg


Like it? It’s available in the colors and logos of each of the 30 Major League teams. What’s even better is that I’m giving one away on the show Sunday night! Click the link below to find out how to enter for a chance to win it:

Tessuta Game Day Purse Giveaway

So, enter the contest as soon as you can for a chance to win. I’ll have more info on the show in a few days.

Melky Cabrera: Gotta Survive

I missed yesterday’s Yankee game, but I arrived home last night to some wonderful news. My man Melky won the game! Melky Cabrera, the centerfielder Yankee fans love to hate, hit a walk-off homer in the 14th inning.

This is why I love this guy. Yeah, he’s not a five-tool player. He’s not a projected superstar. He’s not “baseball is serious business.” He doesn’t tear his hair out whenever he’s in a hitting slump. He’s just a young player trying to stick in the big leagues and he’s having the time of his life while doing it. As the tune in this video goes, the Melkman knows he’s “gotta survive” and he appears to know how to do it.

Congratulations, Melkman.